No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
das rezitativ klingt heute schief
merhaba -
durchbruch in berlin: alle einigen sich auf das projekt
bundeslade. die christen, weil das alte testament im trend liegt.
die gruenen, weil man damit elektroautos laden kann. die fdp, weil
man damit smartphones laden kann. die sozis, weil jeder umsonst
laden kann.
da machen alle mit:
Sat, 16. December 2017 - 20:00
PIA day 1: Experimental hip-hop
PIA - pop im ausland
In 2017 PIA continues its mission of adventurous experimental pop music: an ingenious mix of danceable music and radical practice.
On Sat. 16th, commissioned by PIA, The Dutch MC Zulu Green meets 3 musicians who vanguard the Neue Musik scene in Berlin for a unique blend of experimental hip-hop. Followed by WJM for turntables performance.
Zulu Green - Vocals
Anthea Caddy - Cello
Marta Zapparoli - tapes, reel to reel, electronics
JD Zazie - electronics, turntables
+ WJM: Turntables
Doors: 20h00 | Start 21:00 | 7€ | Fb event
Supported by Musicboard Berlin
Sun, 17. December 2017 - 19:00
PIA day 2: Asi Föcker / Jolly Goods / Zelda Panda
PIA - pop im ausland
In 2017 PIA continues its mission of adventurous experimental pop music: an ingenious mix of danceable music and radical practice.
On Sunday 17th, come to hear powerful performances by singer-songwriters Asi Föcker and Jolly Goods. Followed by a happy set by Zelda Panda at the turntables.
Asi Föcker - Guitar and vocals
Jolly Goods:
Tanno Pippi - vocals, guitar, piano, and organ.
Angy Lord - drums, percussion, piano and backing vocals.
Doors: 19h00 | Start 20:00 | 7€ | Fb event
Supported by Musicboard Berlin
das zweite grosse projekt wird sippenhaft. die christen, weil das
alte testament im trend liegt. der rest, weil man nie genug haftung
haben kann im winter wenn es glatt ist auf dem weg ins