No longer uptodate!
After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Start: 20:00
Partizip PräsensYou want to help with running ausland? You always wanted to know how to do lights for theater projects? Or you have a knack for sound and would like to try your hand in mixing live music? Or you just would like to be part of one of the longest-running collective venues in Berlin? Then drop by! | 2
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Start: 20:00
ResidenzenA Lecture Performance on Line Dancing by Arianne Hoffmann Doors 20:00, Beginn 20:30 | 5
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Start: 20:00
Duo premiere: Julius Gabriel (sax)
Start: 21:30
End: 23:00
ausland presents one week of Jean-Luc Guionnet in berlin. The first installment :: an electronic diffusion piece by Guionnet for Madame Claude's experimontag series | 9
Start: 18:00
End: 20:00
ausland invites french improviser, filmmaker, painter Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland :: LECTURE by jl guionnet: "Propositions for an inhabited architecture of listening" @ altes finanzamt Start: 20:00
amSTARtamSTARt presents: Eugene Chadbourne & Schröder Chadbourne ist Großmeister der Improvisation und Dekonstruktion. Wenn er nicht gerade Folk, Blues und Country in ihre Einzelteile zerlegt, spielt er geniale Coverversionen von Prince, Beatles, Beach Boys und und und ... | 10
Start: 18:00
ausland invites french improviser, filmmaker, painter Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland. Start: 21:00
End: 23:59
ausland invites french musician/visual artist Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland
TONIGHT :: CONCERT/LECTURE in ausland, featuring
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all day
ausland invites french improviser, filmmaker, painter Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland. Start: 21:00
End: 23:59
ausland invites french musician/visual artist Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland TONIGHT :: CONCERTS in ausland, featuring pierre borel / johnny chang / bryan eubanks axel dorner solo | 12
all day
ausland invites french improviser, filmmaker, painter Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland. Start: 21:00
End: 23:59
ausland invites french improviser, filmmaker, painter Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland. :: CONCERT/SCREENINGS in ausland, featuring
film by franck gourdien : "what carried me away" guionnet / robin hayward duo | 13
End: 20:30
ausland invites french improviser, filmmaker, painter Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland. Start: 21:00
End: 23:59
ausland invites french musician/visual artist Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland
:: PERFORMANCE/SCREENING in ausland, featuring
"partis" with with lotus edde khouri, stephane rives, and guionnet | 14
Start: 14:30
End: 15:30
ausland invites french improviser, filmmaker, painter Jean-Luc Guionnet for one week of concerts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, and film screenings done by or otherwise curated by mr. guionnet in and around ausland. Start: 20:00
[auslands-filme]BEYOND LAUFHAUS |
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Start: 20:30
biegungen im auslandbeleave | 20
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Start: 20:30
Berangere Maximin presents her new programme/album 'Lovesick' (sound objects, microphonics, digital chimeras, voice) /// 2nd set: Doors 20:30h, Start 21:30h | 27
Start: 21:00
amSTARtamSTARt & Vagabond Village present: | 28
Start: 20:00
Sabine Ercklentz ‒ Trompete, Elektronik asiplus Doors: 20:00, Beginn 21:00 |
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