No longer uptodate!

After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:


Laurence Favre

Laurence Favre’s work is driven by an interest for problematics such as identity, the construction of collective memory, and relation of Men with his environment. She explores them through film, photography and words, inspired by people and environments she meets. 

The porous nature of the border between « fiction » and « reality » plays a major role in her work, as playground for the exploration of the human experience and social life as a construction. She is an active member of the artist-run analogue film lab LaborBerlin (

More info here:

d&m -- Favre // May // TriTop

24 Jun 2017 - 20:00
dinner and a movie im juni

series: dinner and a movie (***no dinner served) with a film by Laurence Favre, a talk from Kitty May, and a concert by TriTop (Liz Allbee, Sabine Ercklentz, and Birgit Ulher).