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jab mica och el (dk)

Modern electronic manipulation
coalesces with robust and celebratory cartoon melodies on this, the
debut full length release by the Danish duo, Jab Mica Och El. After a
7' released on their own label, Champion Robot, and a beautifully
crafted addition to Ache's own Project Bicycle compilation, Jacob and
Michael meticulously set forth on the construction of new expression,
new ideas, and new instrumentation. Ten tracks where created with the
help of many friends, including close friend to both Jab Mica and Ache,
Sun Ok Papi K.O. (Sonig / Scratch Pet Land). It is evident when
listening to this album the abundance of pleasure experienced during
these collaborations and ultimately its creation. The finished product
feels like a document of backyard gatherings of close friends armed
with cold drinks, lighthearted grins, and their instruments of choice,
executed with a naïve charm only the most eager of artists obtain.
Ultimately an organic outing, ABC Hej I'm Cola harvests such familiar
and traditional sounds as banjo, flute and tuba, and manipulates them
into a dense parade of slapstick caricatures. The digital element is
subtle enough to keep things recognizable, yet biting enough to create
an other-worldly effect. The outcome is a thick, playful and joyous
mess of elastic brass, stuttering woodwind, and squelch percussion,
evoking a childhood innocence, which will leech the cynicism from every
listener, inevitably conjuring smiles he or she had long forgotten.
"This Danish twosome last cropped up on Ache's velocipede-themed
Project Bicycle comp, exhibiting their playful naïveté and ear for
sugary melody alongside a flair for dicing samples up into tiny cubes
and stacking them like Lego bricks. They bring the same MO to their
first full-length, the confusingly anagrammatic ABC Hej I'm Cola,
showing all these pimply-faced shoe-staring guitar-strummers how to
make a real pop album. Using a jumble of precise edits, melodies culled
from conventional instruments and picked clean by digital vultures,
with nary a vocal line in sight, Jab Mica Och El succeed where most pop
acts fail: in making a joyous, ramshackle collection of three-minute
music box miniatures that evoke summertime fun, an album that shimmers
like heat rising from the tarmac, ripples like the surface of a
crystal-clear swimming pool in the breeze. Beats bob up and down like
beach ball volleyball rallies, while an assortment of guitars and wind
instruments sip iced tea in plastic chairs, laughing and making a
burble of chitchat while keeping an eye on the kids as they splash out
into the surf. Jab Mica Och El have all the editing finesse and DSP
chops of other electronic acts, but without the self-seriousness and
rhythmic machismo their compatriots adhere to. The happiest album I've
heard this summer and one of the finest to boot." - Beatroute
noch eine de:bug - review: Jab Mica Och El 'ABC Hej I'm Cola' (Ache
Records / 026) "Kinder, aufgepasst! Hier gibt es was Feines nur für
euch. In der sonst so erwachsenen Welt der Debug Reviews endlich mal
sorglos und bunt. Plinkerplonker für Spielzeugsoldaten. Und wenn ihr
nicht wisst was ein Synthesizer ist, eine Flöte tut es auch. Die Dänen.
Immer gut für sowas. So und jetzt geht spielen. bleed *****"
die de-bug. immer gut für sowas.
lonski and classen
lonski and classen (berlin)
lukas lonski und felix classen
Die Unmittelbarkeit von Musik und Klang tritt am deutlichsten bei der
Improvisation zum Vorschein. Hier stehen Lonski&Classen in
direkter Konfrontation zu ihrer Handlung. Die Sessions von L&C bieten einen
Ausgleich zum Planbaren in ihrer Arbeit. Intuition versus
Im Mittelpunkt stehen das Auffinden von körperlichen und
seelischen Grenzen und der Versuch darüber hinaus zu gehen.
Lonski&Classen schreiten in kaum zu kontrollierendem
Klang, bis sie schließlich eine Anordnung von Tönen und Geräuschen finden, in
der sie stehen bleiben, um dann trotzdem weiter zu gehen.
Herzensangelegenheit der Musiker ist das Komponieren von Songs. Sie spielen mit
Reduziertheit und minimalen Arrangements; daraus schöpfen sie ihre Kraft.
ersten Veröffentlichung des Songs ?It?s grown cold? (mit japanischem Gesang)
auf dem Label Lieblingslied Records sehen L&C entgegen. Sampler:
Deutsche Bands singen Japanisch.