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Splitter Orchester in der WABE #5

Public Rehearsal of the SPLITTER ORCHESTER
Liz Allbee, Boris Baltschun, Burkhard Beins, Nicholas Bussmann, Anthea Caddy, Anat Cohavi, Clare Cooper, Werner Dafeldecker, Mario De Vega, Axel Dörner, Kai Fagaschinski, Helena Gough, Robin Hayward, Steve Heather, Chris Heenan, Hilary Jeffery, Matthias Müller, Morten J. Olsen, Penelopex, Simon James Phillips, Ignaz Schick, Michael Thieke, Clayton Thomas, Sabine Vogel
Eintritt 5.- Euro
don't miss the bend/break 2010 festival in ausland, 24.11. - 28.11.2010, featuring all Splitter Orchester Members and international guests in varied groupings. On 27.11. the full 24 piece orchestra will play at Radialsystem V!