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Occulto Fest 2

La Gioiosa Macchina da Guerra in collaboration with AC Galerie and Occulto praesentieren:
A two day festival. A series of sound performances. A video screening. A workshop.
weitere Infos hier:
Gegen Ende der 1970er Jahre stellte Sam Wagstaff eine umfangreiche, photographische Sammlung zusammen, bestehend aus zwischen 1870 und den 1930er Jahren entstandenen Aufnahmen, darunter die Geisterportraits von Mumler, die Experimente Kirlian, Darget's Gedankenablichtungen, und weitere Arbeiten derjenigen Pioniere, die sich der Sache der photographischen Ueberfuehrung uebernatuerlicher Kraefte und Phaenomene verschrieben hatten. Bei diesen Bildern handelt es sich, ganz abgesehen ihres historischen und ethnograpischen Interesses, um hoechst suggestive, abstrakte Werke; seine Sammelleidenschaft ruehrte nicht zuletzt daher, so Wagstaff, dem eigenen Verlangen nach “Versenkung” nachzugeben, sowie dem “Vergnuegen zu sehen - so als ob man Menschen durchs Fenster beim Tanzen zusaehe.”
Mit ganz aehnlichen Hoffnungen und Aengsten war es dann auch, dass Andere den Versuch wagten, mit nicht-menschlichen Dimensionen in Kontakt zu treten: deren Experiemente wurden nicht zuletzt bekannt als “electronic voice phenomena” (EVP), stimmhafte Klaenge, deren Ursprung sich jedoch nicht auf intentionale Tonaufnahmen und -zeichnungen zurueckfuehren liess. Schon eher war man geneigt, ihren Grund im Paranormalen zu verorten oder sie als Materialisierung des Unbewussten zu deklarieren; oder aber, sie als Humbug zu entlarven.
Auch William Burroughs' Kurzgeschichte It Belongs to the Cucumbers verfolgt die Resonanzen und Aehnlichkeiten zwischen Burroughs' eigenen Techniken des Schreibens - “cut-up” - und den “Geisterstimmen” eines Raudive, und erschuf damit ganz bewusst eine mysterioese Aura des unbewusst- kreativen Schaffens; und ganz aehnliches liesse sich ueber die Akusmatische Musik berichten, und vielleicht ueberhaupt, vom kuenstlerischen Experimentieren.
Kunst- und Klangforschung birgt oftmals Ueberraschungen nicht nur fuer den(die) Betrachter(in)/Hoerer(in), sondern auch fuer den/die Kunstschaffende/n selbst. Unvorhergesehenes, Stoerung, Verzerrung und Abweichung sind immer schon wesentlicher Bestandsteil eines jeden kreativen und intellektuellen Prozesses. Manchmal allerdings bilden sie Teil eines Projekts ganz ausdruecklich und von Anfang an. John Cassevetes' Regiedebut Shadows etwa laesst den Schauspielern gezielt Freiraum zur Improvisation – eher unerhoert in Hollywood, aber typisch fuer die Italienische Comedy of Art. Shadows spuerte auf unkomplizierte und erhellende Weise der Problematik interkultureller Beziehungen nach und lieferte, ganz nebenbei, wohl eine der besten Familienfehden in der Geschichte des Films.
Occulto Fest fuehrt Kuenstler und Musiker zusammen, die genau jene ungewoehnlichen, abseitigen und abwegigen Strategien der Materialsammlung und -verwendung verfolgen - seien es Klangaufnahmen, wissenschaftliche Daten, Programmiersprachen, Romane, Schaltkreise oder Bilder aufgetrieben im Netz. Und damit nicht genug: es sind solche, die dies tun mit einigem Humor, mit grosser Fertigkeit, und mit dem kritischen Anspruch, welcher immer schon Herzstueck einer jeden DIY Philosophie ist, oder sein sollte. Occulto Fest dreht sich, mittles Musik, Video, und anderen Medien, um das Erforschen und Erfahren eines Zwischenraums von wissenschaftlichem Experiment, Staunen, Betrug, unterschwelliger Einflussnahme und nuechterner Wirklichkeit.
Alice Cannavà und Federica Rossella
Das Programm:
PAPIER Präsentation der AC Galerie Drucksache: Occulto #0, Sie Leben, Case da disabitare.
Occulto verschreibt sich der Erforschung neuer Moeglichkeiten der Wissenschaftskommuniation, speziell in Verbindung mit den Bildenden Künsten und des Parawissenschaftlichen.
Mit Issue One (erhältlich ab Mai 2011) wird Occulto zum Buch: Mit Geschichten von
Urintests und Arbeitsverhältnissen; von Seegurken und Magnetresonanztomographie; von Oszillationen in Nervenwissenschaft und elektronischer Musik; von schwindelerregenden Theorien über das Heilpotential systematischer Bluttransfusionen; von möglichen Anwendungen wissenschaftlicher Prinzipien auf die Wirtschaft; vom Unheil wissenschaftlichen Analphabetismus im 20.Jahrhundert; und von vielen mehr. Occulto wird verlegt vom AC Verlag und erscheint einmal jaehrlich.
Lifeloop reel tapes, (IE)
testcard, brain machine, EVP (UK)
throuRoof ambient, EVP (IT/DE)
Marcel Türkowsky and Francesco Cavaliere mirror performance (DE/IT)
Rinus Van Alebeek field recordings (NL/DE)
- Preview of THIRD PILL - Episode 2
Curated by Alice Cannava (AC Galerie) - Meris Angioletti - "Night Shifts" - 2005
curated by Matteo Balduzzi
Produced in collaboration with INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica and UnDo.Net
Everyday from May 7th until December 31st 2005, NIGHTSHIFTS uploaded astronomical photographs taken during the previous night by the Italian telescope Galileo, located in the Canary Islands. The images were then assembled in one single film [NIGHTMOVIE] presenting them in sequence and showing the technical parameters of the telescope, collected at the moment of acquisition and saved as .fits files. All the images were also stored as individual researchable files in a database [NIGHTSEARCH]. - Alessio delli Castelli - "Marry! Marry!"
2008 - Black and white video and sound
7:11 mins,
Marry! Marry! is a video about the survival of marriage in contemporary society. Based on Ezra Pound’s writing method, Marry! Marry! gathers extracts from books, songs, films and television series that have approached the subject in the ages and recomposes them in a new order in which historical hierarchy is abolished. Marry! Marry is a sketch for a book and performance Alessio delli Castelli is currently writing.
Alessio delli Castelli was born n York, GB, in 1979. He lives and works in Berlin. - Condominium - "U.S.O. Unidentified Submerged Objects"
Serie of videos -
Do you remember Amazon Women on the Moon (Joe Dante, 1987)? In un segment called Bullshit or not? A tv reporter reveals at last the true identity of Jack the Ripper: it was none other that the Loch ness monster. The episodes exposes the bad habits of so many tv magazines bent on divulging, more or less seiously, the mysteries and enigmas of planet Earth. We tread the province of Charles Fort, the 19th century reporter from New York who compiled huge lists of natural anomalies, impossible animals, unexplained phenomena like frogs falling out of the sky, alien abductions and U.S.O.s (Unidentified submerged objects). That the Deep are an obvious metaphore of our subconscious, a huge cistern where our fears swim free is hardly news.
In the past, countless personalities above suspicion have witnessed chilling presences: Alexander the Great lowered himself in a glass bell and saw mile long fishes. Babilonyan priests worshipped a Fish Thing that came from Sirius. Irish missionary San Columba (5th century ad.) spotted a sea monster and banished him forming the Sign of the Cross on the waters. Recently, new fantasies joined our basic terrors: alien undersea bases, phantom submarines, glowing discs sinking into the waters of our harbors.
Impartially, USO heeds all voices, all the unfounded rumours concerning our lakes, rivers and seas. Every episode concentrates on the sighting of a strange creature: almost always the spotter gets spotted. It’s a hybrid, ambiguous format. USO deploys forbidden weapons from several arsenals of bad television.
The hypocrisy of MONDO CANE, the investigation techniques of CRIMEWATCH, the graphic pyrotechnics of STARGATE, the biased reconstructions, the slandering. Quite uncorrectly, we tail the witnesses of the unlikely sightings, we creep into their lives and find out what moves them to see giant molluscs in council fountains. - Bill Dolson - "Storms"
Bill Dolson’s artwork occupies a unique juncture of New Media and Land Art with conceptual components. His current video works provide a continuity with his earlier work, turning his attention from the human figure to the natural landscape. Hybrid works combining photographic and video media explore possibilities for a contemporary sublime landscape.
Bill has worked in what is now known as New Media since the late 60s. He has until recently only rarely exhibited. He has supported himself as a computer engineering consultant. In the early 70s he wrote software for the ARPANET, the predecessor of the Internet. He has consulted extensively on digital image processing for the film and television industries. A specialist in computer vision, he is currently consultant to a NASA research project employing augmented reality for advanced air and spacecraft cockpits and extraterrestrial rovers.
Bill moved to New York City from Illinois in the early 70s and for the next 20 years produced abstract computer graphics and animations as well as a body of photography and numerous videos, many dealing with the human female figure. He abandoned his art practice in the early 90s and involved himself in auto racing. He moved to New Mexico in 2000 and destroyed all of his work produced to that date. A pilot since his teens, he focused on aviation, accumulating hundreds of hours flying over the Southwest in both gliders and powered aircraft. In 2004 he decided to return to an art practice and began producing his current body of work. - [epidemiC] - "Loveletter.vbs reading"
Bologna, 24 maggio 2001, (DVD minuti 4:40)
On the occasion of the festival Digital Is Not Analog 01 (d-i-n-a), [epidemiC] asked the philosopher Franco Berardi Bifo to perform a public reading of the notorious computer virus Loveletter.vbs, also known as I LOVE YOU. The virus had spread out all around the world in a few days through email programs. Who could have resisted the temptation to open a message with a subject like “Loveletter for you”?
It was the first massive informatic infection, and it even entered the common language: “I can’t write you because I have I Love You”. Bifo’s intense intepretation has been compared to the Ursonate composed and performed by the German dadaist Kurt Schwitters.
[epidemiC] was an informal group of programmer-artists and artist-programmers, officially born in 2001 during the d-i-n-a festival in Bologna, with the release of a manifesto “on the beauty of the source code”. They are co-authors together with 0100101110101101.ORG of the virus, spread out on the occasion of the 2001 Venice Biennial. In 2002 they are invited by the Applied Arts Museum in Frankfurt to present AntiMafia, a peer-to-peer software able to eliminate, by making it automatic, the figure of the leader in online protest actions.
2003 is the year of their last public appearance, during Ars Electronica festival in Linz, where the group present Double-Blind, a software which sends official but totally random invitations to participate in the festival itself. Franco Berardi Bifo is a contemporary writer, media-theorist and media-activist. He founded the magazine A/traverso (1975-1981) and was part of the staff of Radio Alice, the first free pirate radio station in Italy (1976-1978). Like others Involved in the political movement of Autonomia in Italy during the 1970’s, he fled to Paris, where he worked with Felix Guattari in the field of schizoanalysis. During the 1980’s he contributed to the magazines Semiotexte (New York), Chimerees (Paris), Metropoli (Rome) and Musica 80 (Milan). In the 1990’s he published Mutazione e Ciberpunk (Genoa,
1993), Cibernauti (Rome, 1994), and Felix (Rome, 2001). He is currently collaborating on the magazine Derive Approdi as well as teaching social history of communication at the Acca - Jon Fawcett - "Common Star"
2005, Non-physical object, video (5 mins), text-work-handout,
A giant amorphous entity exists above the seat of government in central London; an architectural form which dwarfs buildings such as the Houses of Parliament, the Ministry of Defence and the National Portrait Gallery. Mapped out in collaboration with a team of 3D modellers, and requiring a series of measuring actions involving regular dialogues with armed police, a walking tour of the object is given and a handout text-work-tour is made available - and can still be downloaded from the artist’s website.
«The inventory of materials used in Jon Fawcett’s work reads like a crossword puzzle made from the remixed narratives of JG Ballard and Philip K Dick. On closer inspection each work expands into a larger story which takes us beyond the gallery and into worlds informed by conspiracy theory and new age technology. Forming an obtuse patchwork of evidence and agenda, Fawcett’s work quietly explodes reductive, institutional definitions of what is real and what is possible. Fawcett’s use of extensive research into tropes of conspiracy and media cults have allowed him to bring into focus the fuzzy logic of new age mysticism that is proliferating in the era of networked consciousness. His sculptures, video and performances exude a menacing technical precision and seduce with a spectrum of alluring colours but these are aesthetic camouflage to cloak ideas that question the nature of the mediated reality or as the artist says, ‘a fabric of contemporary mythologies.[...]»
Mark Vaugh, Director, A Foundation - Roy Menahem Markovich
more info soon - Sandro Pizzichelli - "HG"
2008, HD video, 4:04 mins,
The video is based on the idea of synchronism between audio and video. The material chosen for the experiment is mercury (chemical symbol Hg), which is left moving on a plastic membrane placed on a loudspeaker. The music aesthetically refers to the metal both in sound and development: strokes and frequencies interact in synergy and empathy with Hg until the end, when the camera eye is reflects in the mercury bubble.
Sandro Pizzichelli graduated in classical music in 1997 and in electronic music composition in 2010. At the same time, he set out in the direction of video writing and production. His audio-video works are often strongly endowed with a personal interpretation of the sci-fi imagery and aesthetics, and they range from videoclips to documentaries, from Pure Data
realtime animations to tv formats. - Marcel Türkowsky & Elise Florenty - "Pendulum Report"
HD video, 10 mins, 2009-2011
The project of the film “The Pendulum Report” originates form the novel “Empire of light” by Kim Young-Ha (2005) which tells the story of a man caught up by his past of being a spy. The main character is a North Korean sleeping agent living in secret in South Korea for twenty years.
The narrative process of the short film is inspired by a report documenting different hypnosis sessions of a patient diving back into previous states of his life. Every time he undergoes the hypnosis, he falls again for a period of his life with an age, a memory, an expression and an attitude different. The main focus of the story underlines how the man forgot about his spy identity.
Told by a woman, a Korean storyteller, the introspection of the man is nevertheless presented to be understood and to reverberate in a collective way. The disorder of speech and a disharmonic suspended sound composition melt in order to connect different parts of history, which have been disconnected. The film counterpoints three levels of not knowing something: you never heard about it, you are supposed not to know; you totally have forgotten.
The Film “Pendulum Report” is one element of the installation “Lucid Sleep - 1st Time: Chance - 2nd Time: Coincidence - 3rd Time: Result of a plan” a project by Marcel Türkowsky & Elise Florenty which was commissioned for the Exhibition
Void of Memory, Platform in KIMUSA of Platform 2009 organised by Sunjung Kim from Artsonje Center At Kimusa, (The old Defense Security Command Site) - Seoul / Curated by Nathalie Viot
Voice and Chant : Marie Jung
Image and Editing : Marcel Türkowsky & Elise Florenty